Monday, December 3, 2012

My Success

My Success

I believe in myself, I believe in those who work with me, I believe in my employer.

I believe in my friends, I believe in my family, I believe that god will lend me everything I need with which to succeed if I do my best to earn it through faithful and honest service.

I believe in prayer and I will never close my eyes in sleep without praying for divine guidance to the end that i will be patient with other people and tolerant with those who do not believe as I do.

I believe that success is the result of intelligent effort and does not depend upon luck or sharp practices or double crossing friends, fellow men, or my employer.

I believe I will get out of life exactly what I put into it; therefore I will be careful to conduct myself toward others as I would want them to act towards me.

I will not slander those whom I do not like.

I will not slight my work no matter what I may see others doing.

I will render the best service of which I am capable because I have pledged myself to succeed in life and I know that success is always the result of conscientious and efficient effort.

Finally, I will forgive those who offend me because I realized that I shall sometimes offend others and I will need their forgiveness.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My lesson about healthy eating

I had an eye opening experience speaking to a friend earlier this week.

My friend is of Vietnamese descent, and has that cute slim body as all her family and friends do too. They always look healthy, happy and I can't remember ever meeting anyone from a Vietnamese background that was overweight.

As I am looking to fine tune my eating habits and find ways that work for me, I was curious about how it is they manage to stay so slim and healthy. I always thought it must be genetic, and as we were talking about food I asked my friend only half jokingly if she and her friends ever eat, as they are all so slim!

My friend told me "I always eat and I eat too much!" I laughed as obviously she does not look like she eats "too much". But she was quite serious and said, "no really, we eat a lot" . So I asked her what they eat and this is what she said:

"We eat a lot of vegetables and fish. Most of our food is vegetables. And we eat seafood."

As she told me this I remember all the times I visited Cabramatta, and the place was packed full with vegetable shops and tables groaning under the weight of fresh vegetables. There were also several seafood shops, again full of fresh fish of every kind. People were everywhere making their purchases, and it was obvious to me that these foods are a major staple of the local peoples diet.

I did not see any butchers, and I asked my friend if she ate any meat. She told me that they ate very little meat, maybe twice a week and a very small amount, about 100 grams at a time (100 grams of red meat is about the size of a small toast).

I asked her if they miss not eating meat, and she said no, this is the way they always eat, and it's the way children are brought up. They do not eat fried foods, take aways, junk food and very little fat and sweets. Because she had eaten this way since she was a child, she really has no desire to eat any other way.

So here I was thinking she was healthy and slim because of genetics, but I have learned it has a great deal more to do with what they eat on a daily basis.

I asked her what her typical meals would be during a day: for breakfast they often have clear broth soup with vegetables and rice noodles, for lunch it can be seafood and vegetables rice paper wrappers and for dinner, vegetables and fish stir fry with rice or noodles.

I was inspired, and since I like to try new things, I researched Vietnamese recipes. Tonight I cooked a simple stir fry of chicken, bok choi, Chinese broccoli, chinese cabbage, oyster mushrooms, carrot, ginger, garlic, basil and coriander, seasoned with fish sauce and a bit of soy sauce. As I am avoiding carbs at the moment, I didn't have rice, but I didn't need it. The meal was absolutely delicious and I feel full and totally satisfied.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

People reflect back to you who you really are

Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions lead to your destiny.

People reflect back to you your thoughts, your words, your actions, your habits, your behaviors.
You are responsible for the response you get from people.
If you want to get the desired response from others, you first need to take conscious control of what you project out to others, because your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions. Your actions will directly impact on the results you get.
And you have to be completely honest about what you project, because people will see right thought the pretense, the lies, and these will be reflected right back.
And so, a person who does not trust others, is not a trustworthy person. A person who speaks badly of others, will be spoken about badly.
A person who gives without expecting anything in return, will be given without any expectation to return the gift.
A person who loves unconditionally, will be loved right back.
A person who laughs often, will find themselves surrounded by happy people.

My life lessons and meditations

I have decided to keep a journal of my life lessons and ideas that come to me through my meditations.

I hope you find inspiration in this blog, to make you day a brighter one.

