Friday, February 21, 2014


Weekends are great to take a breather, and think about you goals. Reflect and think about your week, your year, your life so far, what you like about it, what you don't, what changes you can make and set some goals. 

If you want to get somewhere in your life, first you need to know where you want to go, before you think about how you will get there. 

Get a nice journal and start writing your thoughts down. Even if you are not sure, start jotting down your ideas, your wish list, or your frustrations. 

A good tip I once received when I said "but I don't know WHAT I want" , I was told to write down what I DONT WANT. It was a great start, most of us know what we don't want. So write all the things you don't want on one side of the page, then next to each point on the other side of the page turn it into what you DO want. For example "I don't want to run out of breath and struggle like that when I climb that damn hill." will turn to "I want to be able to climb that hill easily and without loosing my breath". 

Once you have determined what you do want ( your first goal, yey!) think about how you will get there. In the case of this challenging hill climb, I know in order to climb it successfully I will need to get fitter. It may mean I will attempt to climb it only part way up until I start to struggle, then come back down. I know I'll have to attempt this frequently and try to go a little further each time. 

So I make some plans to take action. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings I will climb that hill as far as I can go, and keep doing it, pushing myself that little bit further each time until I achieve my goal. 

Sometimes you will write a goal  down but have no idea how to get there, or perhaps think it's just not possible in your situation. Don't worry about it, leave it for now. Ask your mind to find a solution, and when ready come back to you. ( your mind is very much like a computer, it can work on problems in the background ) Trust yourself that you will come up with the right answer when you are ready and move on to your next set of goals. 

So in summary this is what I do: 

1. Reflect and evaluate my past experiences and jot down my thought in a journal

2. Write down what works what doesn't, what you like what you don't like, what you want and don't wasn't 

3. Turn things you don't like into what you would like. Things you don't want into what you DO want. This will be your first set of goals.

4. Think about each goal and what it would take to achieve it. Break it down to what actions you can take, and approximately how long it will take for you to achieve it. Put those actions in your diary, and DO IT.